Selected publications:
Søe, S.O., & Mai, J-E. 2025. Me, Myself and Everybody Else: The Implications of Hybrid-Identity for Systems, Privacy and Secrecy. In Beyond Privacy: People, Practices, Politics. Søe, S. O., Wiehn, T., Jørgensen, R. F. & Valtysson, B. (eds.), pp. 13.27. Bristol University Press.
Søe, S.O., Mai, J-E. 2023. The Ethics of Sharing: Privacy, Data, and Common Goods. Digital Society, 2, 28.
Søe, S.O., & Mai, J-E. 2022. Data Identity: Privacy and the Construction of Self. Synthese, 200, 492.
Søe, S.O., Jørgensen, R.F., & Mai, J-E. 2021. What is the ‘personal’ in ‘personal information’? Ethics and Information Technology, 23 (4): 625-633.
Mai, J-E. 2019. Situating Personal Information: Privacy in the Algorithmic Age. In Human Rights in the Age of Platforms, R.F. Jørgensen (eds.), pp. 95-116. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Mai, J-E. 2019. Be Slow, Skeptical, and Classify: Recommendations for LIS Education. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 60 (2): 152-168.
Mai, J-E. 2016. Three Models of Privacy: New Perspectives on Informational Privacy. Nordicom Review, 37 (1) (special issue): 171-175.
Mai, J-E. 2016. Marginalization and Exclusion: Unraveling Systemic Bias in Classification. Knowledge Organization, 43 (5): 324-330.
Mai, J-E. 2016. Personal Information as Communicative Acts. Ethics and Information Technology, 18 (1): 51-57.
Mai, J-E. 2016. Big Data Privacy: The Datafication of Personal Information. The Information Society, 32 (3): 192-199.
Mai, J-E. 2016. Wikipedians’ Knowledge and Moral Duties. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling, 5 (1): 15-22.
Hall, M., Mazarakis, A., Peters, I., Chorley, M., Simon, S., Mai, J-E. & Strohmaier, M. 2016. Following User Pathways: Cross Platform and Mixed Methods Analysis in Social Media Studies. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’16), pp. 3400–3407. ACM, New York, NY.
Jones, M. L., Jones, E., Zeide, E., Dupre, J., Mai, J-E. & Richards, N. 2015. The Right to be Forgotten. ASIST Annual Meeting 2015.
Mai, J-E. 2015. The Meaning of Personal Information: Reconceptualizing Informational Privacy. Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015.
Mai, J-E, Lauritsen, P. & Jørgensen, R.F. 2014. Et tværdisciplinært blik på privatliv og overvågning. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling, 3 (2/3): 3-6.
Mai, J-E. 2013. The Quality and Qualities of Information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64 (4): 675-688.
Mai, J-E. 2013. Ethics, Values, and Morality in Contemporary Library Classifications. Knowledge Organization, 40 (3): 242-253. 2013. [Winner of “Best Paper in KO Award”].
Mai, J-E. 2011. The Modernity of Classification, Journal of Documentation, 67(4): 710-730, 2011. [Winner of “Outstanding Paper Award”].
Mai, J-E. 2011. Folksonomies and the New Order: Authority in the Digital Disorder, Knowledge Organization, 38 (2): 114-122.
Mai, J-E. 2010. Classification in a Social World: Bias and Trust, Journal of Documentation, 66 (5): 627-642.
Mai, J-E. 2010. Trusting Tags, Terms, and Recommendations, Information Research, 15(3). (Paper presented at CoLIS 7).
Mai, J-E. 2008 Actors, Domains, and Constraints in the Design and Construction of Controlled Vocabularies, Knowledge Organization, 35 (1): 16-29.
Fisher, K.E., Saxton, M.L., Edwards, P.M. & Mai, J-E. 2007. Seattle Public Library as Place: Reconceptualizing Space, Community and Information. In The Library as Place: History, Community and Culture, ed. J. Buschman and G.J. Leckie, 135-160. Westport: Libraries Unlimited.
Reprinted in: Take One Building: Interdisciplinary Research Perspectives of the Seattle Central Library, ed. R. Conroy Dalton and C. Hölscher. London: Routledge, 2017.
Mai, J-E. 2006. Contextual Analysis for the Design of Controlled Vocabularies, Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Oct./Nov.
Mai, J-E. 2005. Analysis in Indexing: Document and Domain Centered Approaches, Information Processing and Management, 41 (3): 599-611.
Mai, J-E. 2004. Classification of the Web: Challenges and Inquiries, Knowledge Organization, 31 (2): 92-97.
Mai, J-E. 2004. Classification in Context: Relativity, Reality, and Representation, Knowledge Organization, 31 (1): 39-48.
Mai, J-E. 2003. The Future of General Classification, Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 37 (1/2): 3-12.
Mai, J-E. 2001. Semiotics and Indexing: An Analysis of the Subject Indexing Process, Journal of Documentation, 57 (5): 591-622.
Mai, J-E. 2000. Deconstructing the Indexing Process, Advances in Librarianship, 23: 269-298.
Mai, J-E. 1999. A Postmodern Theory of Knowledge Organization, In Knowledge: Creation, Organization and Use. ASIS Annual Meeting 1999, 36: 547-556.